Audio and Speaker Settings Troubleshooting Guide

Audio and Speaker Settings Troubleshooting Guide

For when you’re in a video call/presentation and cannot hear anything.

  1. Check your Windows Settings first.

    1. Click the speaker icon near the clock in the bottom right.

    2. Make sure the volume is turned up.

    3. Click the “^” symbol to see all of the audio output devices on your system

    4. In this instance, I may choose to click on “Speakers” so everyone in the room could hear, or, choose headphones to ensure my call is private.

Next: Click on the title below for the service you are having trouble with.

  1. Settings in Google Meet

    1. At the bottom of a Meet, click the “3 dots” button and choose Settings.

    2. This will open the settings window. Click on ‘Audio’ on the left, then the little arrow to the right of your current speaker setup.

    3. Here you will see all of the output options available to you. This is where you may change from headphone to full speaker output, for example.

  1. Instructions for Microsoft Teams

    1. Via the Teams Windows Client

    2. Click the ‘three dots’ button labeled 'More'

      1. And click ‘Device Settings’

      2. Here you can choose your speakers/sound output, and check your volume level.

    3. Via the Teams Web Browser Interface

      1. It’s a little different if you are using Microsoft Teams via a Web Browser like Chrome or Edge. Here you want to click on the three dots in the bar at the bottom.

    4. Then click on the drop-down under Speakers to choose your desired output device.

  1. Instructions for Zoom

    1. When in a Zoom call, the audio settings can be found by clicking the tiny “^” symbol to the right of the microphone.

    2. Here you may choose your output, or click Audio Settings for further configuration.


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