Updating Chromebooks (2023)

How to update a Chromebook.

  1. Log into the Chromebook

  2. Click on the Date in the bottom right corner, then click on the ⚙️Gear Symbol.

  3. Click on About ChromeOS, then click on Check for Updates


  4. It will tell you that it is updating, then ask you to restart when done.



    3. Restart the device when asked.

  5. The Chromebook is up to date when you get this message.

    1. Note: You sometimes have to repeat steps 1-4 multiple times.


How to quickly check your version.

  1. If you wish, you can check the version at the top right of the login screen to see if it is up to date.


    2. We are using LTS channel.

      1. Link 1 - Versions

      2. Link 2 - Explanation

      3. Link 3 - Release Notes